Camp Counsellor Survival guide

A summer spent by the ocean, surrounded by amazing people and countless campfires. It all sounds perfect. But, being a camp counsellor is no easy feat and there is bound to be a few bumps in your journey through the summer. From lack of sleep and new bug bites to menacing storms that cast dark cloud over your usual positive mood. Prepare yourself for these bumps and get yourself through your summer with minimal stress. 

1.    Say goodbye to your diet plan
Any low carb, non-fat regime you had in place before you came to camp will inevitably be scrapped as you fill up on chicken nuggets, tacos, pizza, pizza and somehow more pizza. Embrace your new food routine as well as the cheese on your fingers… 

2.    Say goodbye to Mr Shut-eye
Prepare yourself for the lack of sleep and early mornings! Try to fit in a nap wherever you can. Whether that be on the floor of the staff room during your lunch break or in the back of the car on the way to Walmart. 

3.    Prepare yourself for the bug bites – (don’t forget the bug spray!)
Don’t be surprised when you wake up with 10 new bug bites every other day. You will probably go through numerous cans of ‘OFF!’ throughout the summer.

4.    Learn to make friendship bracelets
This is a camp counsellor 101 – showing your campers how to make them as well as making them for your fellow counsellors is a bit part of the summer camp experience.
5.    Bring a watch 
Constantly knowing the time becomes an essential at camp. Between firm schedules, early rises and your campers constantly needing to know the time it would be a life saver for you! 

6.    Learn team building games! 
Ice breakers and name games are a great way to allow your cabin to bond from the first day. This will also be a great way for you to remember your campers names so you can get to know each of them better. 

7.    Prepare to be enthusiastic about everything! 
Campers feed off your energy and you have a huge impact on their experience at camp. You want them to remember it as a place where everyone is excited and happy all the time. It might be the 8thtime you have played capture the flag this summer, but it is their first and they just want you to be as excited as they are. 

8.    When having a bad day – turn to friends around you for support. God knows you will each have your days that you need a shoulder to lean on. So be courteous, a hug goes a long way.  It is important to find something that grounds you when having a bad day – whether it be music or reading a book. 

9.    Prepare yourself for anything!

Each day that you wake up, you have no idea what that day is going to bring. From campers peeing the bed to being caught out in a storm on your sailboat – always expect the unexpected. Just go with the flow. 
 So be prepared for challenges you may face throughout your summer. But, always remember it will be one of the greatest summers of your life. My final piece of advice is to go in and just be yourself. Camp is a beautiful place where people are accepted for who they are – whether that’s a butterfly or a wallflower. 


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