Starting My Semester Abroad

This setting may look slightly different from my previous blog posts. I have swapped the shorts for the salopettes and the sunny shores for the frozen lakes. I am beginning a semester abroad in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am in my third year studying International Business and, with the aid of a brief application, my home University decided to place me here - in Regina. The opportunity to study abroad is a dream come true and my excitement and anxiety has only built over the months leading to this moment. I have wanted to enter into this journey since the moment I was filling out my university applications in my final year of high school. Now that the moment has come I am both terrified and excited, but mainly terrified… Over the past few years I have discovered that learning about myself is addictive. As cliché as it sounds, I really don’t know who I am yet. Every day I learn new things about myself and feel things that I cannot understand. Enter...